A New Season of Learning

I am definitely in a new season of life!

Many of you know that I’ve relocated to Plano, Texas about six weeks ago and have committed myself to full-time ministry by working with Hope Ignited. It has been a wonderful six weeks but it has been quite an uphill climb!

First of all, I arrived in Texas with just 3 days remaining on my drivers’ license. That required having to change my car insurance, get my car inspected, register my car and get new tags all before I applied for my new license. But I did it with hours to spare!

I successfully found a place to live in a central part of town and I’m slowly making Texas my home. There is most definitely a Texas sense of pride here…you can just feel it. I guess that’s where the “don’t mess with Texas” slogan came from. But I love it.

Working with Hope Ignited full-time has been great. Being able to focus full time on figuring out ways to help grow our ministry so we can do all the things we have planned has been wonderful. Our office is in a building called the Hope Center.

Here is the link: http://www.thehopecenter.org

It is a beautiful building that is filled with nothing but different ministries. It’s a nice place to go to work.

Part of working with Hope Ignited is the new realization that I am responsible for raising my own support. This is a new world for me to some degree. I’ve spent a large part of my career as a salaried employee and most recently I have been fortunate to have a backlog of paying construction projects that I could rely on. But those days are gone.

Ironically, I have a tremendous amount of peace about it. I know this is what I’m meant to be doing and I know that what we are doing is worthwhile and good. So I’m certain that we will be able to find financial supporters that want to join us in the life-changing projects we are working on.

For instance, we have been responding to a request from the Government in Guinea, West Africa to purchase school buses for them and have them shipped to Africa. They want to start a pilot program for a regional transportation program that will provide for the creation of new jobs and expand the markets for products and services as well as allow people to move from village to village easier. Think about this…we are a faith-based Christian organization. Guinea is a country that is 85% Muslim. How did this happen?

Hope Ignited has been working in Guinea consistently for the past 12 years training thousands of pastors, starting 3 schools, creating businesses, and working to improve the living conditions of the inmates in the Central prison. We have made many friends in Guinea and I believe we have demonstrated our commitment to the country.

Why is this important?


At some point, they will ask us why we are doing what we are doing. It is in that moment we will be able to share with them the reason…the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s a great reminder that it is not WHAT we do…it’s WHY and HOW we go about doing it. Building relationships and living out our faith for them to see and experience. What a great opportunity!

We are hopeful that this bus program will continue to grow and both Chuck and I will be traveling all over the country buying buses!

Finally, I’ve gone back to school. I am enrolled at Fuller Theological Seminary and am in the process of working towards my Masters of Arts in Global Leadership. This is a great program that will deepen my knowledge of worldwide cultural differences and allow me to expand my leadership skills. So every free hour I have has been filled with reading and writing and learning how to be a student again… after 30+ years.

It’s been a busy time, but I’ve never been happier. I’m where I should be and doing what I should be doing. It’s nice to know that.

Thanks to all for your prayers and support.

Till next month…


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