Independence Day…


On September 15th, Guatemala will celebrate Independence Day.

There will be parades, fireworks and all the things one might expect for such a celebration. Being here for over three months has allowed me to really begin to appreciate the people of this country in many ways that I never expected. They have historically been a country that has been dominated by a leader that has been anything but fair and just. Political corruption has unfortunately been a staple of this beautiful place.

However, over the past three months, I have witnessed the people, banding together to say “enough is enough” and as a result, they peacefully held demonstrations that led to the imprisonment of the Vice President and the resignation and impending trial of the President of the country as well. As a result, the people have discovered an enormous sense of pride in their country. Guatemalan flags are everywhere. People are rejoicing in the newly acknowledged power that they have experienced. They have unified and are demanding that their leaders listen and conduct their actions humbly and selflessly. Even in the church, the pastors preach, “He has shown you, O mortal what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”* – Micah 6:8. It seems in Guatemala, the people have truly spoken…

This country certainly still has its share of problems, but the sense that the people have a voice that is now being heard by the leadership leads me to believe their future will only get better.

This is truly an amazing thing to watch and a wonderful time in history to be a part of.